For the latest updates follow us on:
Instagram: @alpharettafriends
Facebook: Friends of the Alpharetta Library
Friends of The Alpharetta Library Monthly Book Sale
Saturday, March 29th, 10AM - 4PM
Outside if weather permits
cash/check/Venmo ($3 minimum)
Recent News
We are in need of donations of recently published used books (2020 and newer). Please drop them by the bookstore during our open hours. Thanks!
Address and Contact Information
The Alpharetta Library is located at 10 Park Plaza Alpharetta, GA 30009 (Google map link). The phone number is 770-740-2425. Library Hours
Monday - 10am to 8pm
Tuesday - 10am to 8pm
Wednesday - 10am to 6pm
Thursday - 10am to 6pm
Friday - 10am to 6pm
Saturday - 10am to 6pm
Sunday - Closed
FOTAL Bookstore Hours (times may change based on volunteer availability)The Bookstore is now open!
Monday - 12PM - 4PM Tuesday - 11AM - 3PM Wednesday - 11AM - 5PM Thursday - 10AM - 1PM 3PM- 5PM Friday - 1PM - 4PM Saturday - 11AM - 4PM Sunday - Closed

Friends of the Alpharetta Library (FOTAL) has registered with Kroger's Community Rewards Program.
For every dollar you spend at one of their stores, they will contribute dollars to the Friends and Library.
It's FREE to participate using your Kroger Plus Shopper's Card. When the bar code is scanned at the store it will be matched with FOTAL and every quarter Kroger will send us a check for the library! We are in the queue to receive our first check. Although it isn't much, every dollar helps. Obviously, more registered shoppers means more money will be sent to us for the library.
Go to Kroger Community Rewards page and create an account to enroll. Once you've registered, you select an organization that will receive Community Rewards for any purchase at Kroger. Select Friends of the Alpharetta Library.
It really doesn't take very long, and it's free! All that you will need to do afterward is renew yearly in order to keep contributing to FOTAL. In these budget constricted times, every contribution counts.
Thank you for your help!
The FOTAL Board Members |